User-Agent Parser

Detect and parse Browser, Engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/model from your browser or entered user-agent string.

Generate and validate time-based OTP (one time password) code for multi-factor authentication.

OTP Code Generator

Generate and validate time-based OTP (one time password) code for multi-factor authentication.
HTML entities encoding online tool that could escape or unescape html entities (replace <,>, &,

HTML Entities Converter

HTML entities encoding online tool that could escape or unescape html entities (replace <,>, &, " and \' to their html version) for free.
Validate and generate crontab (cron table) and get the human readable description of the cron schedule.

Crontab Generator

Validate and generate crontab (cron table) and get the human readable description of the cron schedule.
Compute your chmod permissions and commands with this online chmod calculator for free.

Chmod Calculator

Compute your chmod permissions and commands with this online chmod calculator for free.