Maze Generator

            Maze Generator is an interesting online tool and game that can create random and unique mazes of different shapes, sizes, and styles.

            The maze is a type of puzzle that consists of a complex network of paths or passages, where the solver has to find a way from a starting point to a goal. Mazes are often used for entertainment, education, or research purposes.

            This Maze Generator could use various algorithms and techniques to create mazes that are either perfect or imperfect. A perfect maze is one that has no loops or isolated sections, and has exactly one path between any two cells. Some of the common algorithms for generating perfect mazes are depth-first search, Prim’s algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, and recursive division.

            This maze generator can also create mazes of different shapes, such as rectangular, circular, hexagonal, or triangular. The shape of the maze can affect the difficulty and the aesthetics of the puzzle.  

            Maze Generator can be used for various purposes, such as creating fun and challenging puzzles for yourself or others, designing games or educational activities, or conducting experiments or simulations.

            This Maze Generator is based on the open-source project mazes by @Rob Dawson.

            Standard Body Weight (SBW)  Calculator could Calculate your standard weight based on your weight and height, etc. It could also determine whether you are overweight based on the information you enter.

            SBW Calculator

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            BMI calculator online tool is easy to use and convenient. You can enter your weight and height, and get your BMI value and category instantly. You can also see the BMI ranges for different weight statuses and compare your result with the average for your age and gender.

            BMI Calculator

            BMI calculator online tool is easy to use and convenient. You can enter your weight and height, and get your BMI value and category instantly. You can also see the BMI ranges for different weight statuses and compare your result with the average for your age and gender.
            Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which is the amount of energy your body uses to maintain its basic functions while at rest. BMR Calculator is easy and convenient. You just need to enter your personal information and click a button to get your results.

            BMR Calculator

            Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which is the amount of energy your body uses to maintain its basic functions while at rest. BMR Calculator is easy and convenient. You just need to enter your personal information and click a button to get your results.
            Pregnancy Due Date Calculator is a free online tool that helps you estimate your due date based on the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP) or the date of conception.

            Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

            Pregnancy Due Date Calculator is a free online tool that helps you estimate your due date based on the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP) or the date of conception.