Lucky Spin Wheel

Theme Settings
Custom Colors
Items Settings
Label Color
Background Color
Wheel Settings
Pointer Angle
Border Color
Border Width
Line Color
Line Width
Rotation Resistance
Rotation Speed Max
Item Label Settings
Font Size
Stroke Color
Stroke Width
Spin Effect Settings
Easing Effect
Spin Direction
Number of Revolutions

Lucky Spin Wheel, it is a random wheel spinner that could help you to make a random decision.

Now, Create your custom spinner for random choice!

Spin the wheel to decide a random choice, it is the decision-making aid for those with choice paralysis. Use this free tool to create a custom wheel with your own words and spin it to get a random one.

An easy to use wheel spinner for randomising choices and prizes.


- Spin by applying momentum and drag, or animate with easing.

- Interactable with click-drag or touch-flick.

- Easily themeable  and ability to use custom colors:

 - Give items their own label, color and weight.

 - Rotate labels and change alignment and style.

 - Apply predefine themes or colour sets.

- Clockwise and anticlockwise spinning.

- Premade presets to easily create beautiful spinner wheels

- Fullscreen for spin the wheel on computer devices (touch-flick)

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Daily Diet Calculator

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Lucky Spin Wheel, it is a random wheel spinner that could help you to make a random decision. Now, Create your custom spinner for random choice!

Lucky Spin Wheel

Lucky Spin Wheel, it is a random wheel spinner that could help you to make a random decision. Now, Create your custom spinner for random choice!
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Protein Calculator

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