Refinance Calculator

Original Amount
Interest Rate
Loan Term
Years Months
Interest Rate
Loan Term
Years Months
Cash Out Amount
Savings For New Loan {{result.totalTable.savingMonth}} Pre Month
Lifetime Savings For New Loan {{result.totalTable.lifetimeSaving}}
Upfront Cost {{result.totalTable.upfrontCost}}
Current Loan New Loan Difference
Principal/Loan Amount {{result.totalTable.originalRemainingAmount}} {{result.totalTable.newRemainingAmount}} {{result.totalTable.amountDiff}}
Length {{result.totalTable.remainingMonths}} {{result.totalTable.newLoanMonths}} {{result.totalTable.monthsDiff}}
Interest Rate {{result.totalTable.originalInterest}} {{result.totalTable.newInterest}} {{result.totalTable.interestDiff}}
Monthly Pay {{result.totalTable.originMonthlyPayment}} {{result.totalTable.newMonthlyPayment}} {{result.totalTable.monthlyPaymentDiff}}
Total Payments {{result.totalTable.totalPayment}} {{result.totalTable.newTotalPayment}} {{result.totalTable.totalPaymentDiff}}
Total Interest {{result.totalTable.totalInterest}} {{result.totalTable.newTotalInterest}} {{result.totalTable.totalInterestDiff}}
Points Equivalent To {{result.totalTable.pointsCost}}
Cost + Points (Upfront) {{result.totalTable.pointsWithCost}}
Time to Recover Cost/Point {{result.totalTable.recoveryTimeVal}}

Refinance Calculator could help you calculate monthly payments, amortization, total purchase price, and more, and discover the potential savings and benefits of refinancing your mortgage. Analyze various scenarios, compare loan options, and make informed decisions to optimize your finances.

Whether you're looking to lower your monthly payments, reduce your interest rate, or shorten your loan term, our calculator empowers you to explore different scenarios and make informed decisions about your mortgage.

What is Refinancing?

Refinancing involves replacing your existing mortgage with a new one, typically to obtain better terms, lower interest rates, or adjust the loan duration. By refinancing, homeowners can potentially save money over the life of their loan and improve their financial situation.

How Does the Refinance Calculator Work?

Our Refinance Calculator takes into account various factors, including your current mortgage details, proposed new loan terms, closing costs, and potential savings. By inputting this information, you can analyze different scenarios and determine the financial impact of refinancing.

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XIRR Calculator

XIRR is a financial function that calculates the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows that are not necessarily periodic. XIRR Calculator is useful for modeling investments or projects that have irregular cash inflows and outflows over time.
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