List Converter

Trim List Items
Remove Duplicates
Convert To Lowercase
Keep Line Breaks
Sort List
Wrap Item
Wrap List

List Converter can process column-based data and apply various changes (transpose, add prefix and suffix, reverse list, sort list, lowercase values, truncate values) to each row.

NATO Alphabet Converter could transform text or English alphabet into NATO phonetic alphabet for oral transmission.

NATO Alphabet Converter

NATO Alphabet Converter could transform text or English alphabet into NATO phonetic alphabet for oral transmission.
Card Number and Password Generator is a free and easy-to-use web application that allows you to create card numbers and passwords.

Card Number & Password Generator

Card Number and Password Generator is a free and easy-to-use web application that allows you to create card numbers and passwords.
An Online WYSIWYG Editor for Rich Text Edit


An Online WYSIWYG Editor for Rich Text Edit
Seamlessly create, format, and preview Markdown text effortlessly with our online Markdown Editor in your web browser.

Markdown Editor

Seamlessly create, format, and preview Markdown text effortlessly with our online Markdown Editor in your web browser.