Base64 File Converter

Click or drag a file to this area to upload

Base64 File Converter is a handy and useful online tool that allows you to convert any file to a Base64 encoded string, or decode a Base64 encoded string to a file.

Base64 is a method of representing binary data in an ASCII string format, which can be useful for transmitting data over networks or storing data in text files.

This tool lets you encode any file to a Base64 string, or decode a Base64 string to a file. You can select your file or drag and drop it below, and press the Convert button. You can also download the output file or copy the Base64 string to the clipboard. The input file can be an mp3, mp4, or any other format.

Tip: This tool works only in modern browsers.

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Base64 File Converter is a handy and useful online tool that allows you to convert any file to a Base64 encoded string, or decode a Base64 encoded string to a file.

Base64 File Converter

Base64 File Converter is a handy and useful online tool that allows you to convert any file to a Base64 encoded string, or decode a Base64 encoded string to a file.
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