Percentage Calculator

What is X% of Y
What is
% of
X is what percent of Y
is what percent of
What is the percentage increase/decrease

Percentage Calculator is a free online tool that helps you to calculate percentages from a value to another value, or from a percentage to a value.

Percentage Calculator can be useful for many purposes, such as:

  • Calculating grades, marks, scores, or ratings

  • Comparing data, statistics, or trends

  • Measuring progress, growth, or performance

  • Estimating discounts, tips, taxes, or interest

  • Converting fractions, decimals, or ratios to percentages

  • Simplifying math problems or equations involving percentages

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1's & 2's Complement Calculator

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Area Converter, it supports conversions and calculations between various length units including Square Meter(m²), Square Kilometer(km²), Hectare(ha), Square Decimeter(dm²), Square Centimetre(cm²), Square Millimetre(mm²), Acre(acre), Square Mile(mi²), Square Yard(yd²), Square Foot(ft²), Square Inches(in²) and more.

Area Converter

Area Converter, it supports conversions and calculations between various length units including Square Meter(m²), Square Kilometer(km²), Hectare(ha), Square Decimeter(dm²), Square Centimetre(cm²), Square Millimetre(mm²), Acre(acre), Square Mile(mi²), Square Yard(yd²), Square Foot(ft²), Square Inches(in²) and more.
Temperature Converter supports conversions and calculations between various length units including Kelvin(K), Celsius(°C), Fahrenheit(°F), Rankine(°R), Delisle(°De), Newton(°N), Réaumur(°Ré), Rømer(°Rø) and more.

Temperature Converter

Temperature Converter supports conversions and calculations between various length units including Kelvin(K), Celsius(°C), Fahrenheit(°F), Rankine(°R), Delisle(°De), Newton(°N), Réaumur(°Ré), Rømer(°Rø) and more.