URL Encode & Decode is a free online tool that can convert a URL into a more readable or compact form, or vice versa.
URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is a string that identifies a web resource and how to access it. A URL consists of different components, such as the scheme, the authority, the path, the query, and the fragment.
The URL Decoder can take a URL that has been encoded with percent-encoding and replace the percent signs (%) and hexadecimal digits with their corresponding characters. Percent-encoding is a way of representing characters that are not allowed or reserved in a URL, such as spaces, punctuation marks, or non-ASCII characters. For example, the URL "https%3A%2F%2Fwww.a.tools%2FSearch.php%3FKeyword%3DURL%20Encode%20%26%20Decode" can be decoded as "https://www.a.tools/Search.php?Keyword=URL Encode & Decode" encoding.
The URL Encoder can do the opposite: it can take a URL that has unencoded characters and replace them with percent signs (%) and hexadecimal digits. This can make the URL more compact and safe to transmit over the internet. For example, the URL "https://www.a.tools/Search.php?Keyword=URL Encode & Decode" can be encoded as "https%3A%2F%2Fwww.a.tools%2FSearch.php%3FKeyword%3DURL%20Encode%20%26%20Decode".
URL Encode & Decode could be useful for various purposes, such as:
Making a URL more readable and understandable for humans.
Making a URL more compact and efficient for machines.
Escaping special characters that may have different meanings in different contexts.
Ensuring that a URL is compatible with different browsers and systems.
Testing and debugging web applications that use URLs as parameters.
You can use this tool to decode or encode any URL you want. Just paste the URL in the input box and click on the decode or encode button. You will see the result in the output box. You can also copy the result to your clipboard or share it with others.