Volume Converter


Volume Converter is an online unit transformer that supports conversions and calculations between various volume units including Cubic Meter(m³), Hectoliter(hl), Decaliter(dal), Cubic Decimeter(dm³ (= l)), Deciliter(dl), Centiliter(cl), Cubic Centimeter(cm³ (= ml)), Cubic Millimeter(mm³), Acre-foot(ac-ft), Cubic Yard(yd³), Cubic Foot(ft³), Cubic Inch(in³), Gallon (Imperial)(gal (Imp)), Gallon (US Liquid)(gal (US liq)), Ounce (Imperial Fluid)(fl oz (Imp)), Ounce (US Liquid)(fl oz (US liq)) and more.

Easily calculate percentages from a value to another value, or from a percentage to a value.

Percentage Calculator

Easily calculate percentages from a value to another value, or from a percentage to a value.
Evaluate math expression, like a calculator on steroid (you can use function like sqrt, cos, sin, abs, ...).

Math Expression Evaluator

Evaluate math expression, like a calculator on steroid (you can use function like sqrt, cos, sin, abs, ...).
Convert Roman numerals to numbers and convert numbers to Roman numerals.

Roman Numerals Converter

Convert Roman numerals to numbers and convert numbers to Roman numerals.
One's Complement & Two's Complement Calculator (1's & 2's Complement Calculator) is a free online tool to find true form and one's & two's complement equivalent for a given intger number.

1's & 2's Complement Calculator

One's Complement & Two's Complement Calculator (1's & 2's Complement Calculator) is a free online tool to find true form and one's & two's complement equivalent for a given intger number.