JSFuck Encode

JSFuck uses only 6 different characters "[]()!+" to write and execute code. It is an esoteric programming style based on the atomic parts of JavaScript.

The ADFGX Cipher is a fractionating transposition cipher which combined a modified Polybius square with a single columnar transposition. It is closely related to the ADFGVX Cipher.

ADFGX Cipher

The ADFGX Cipher is a fractionating transposition cipher which combined a modified Polybius square with a single columnar transposition. It is closely related to the ADFGVX Cipher.
Affine Cipher is a type of monoalphabetic substitution cipher. It encrypts a text using an affine function (f(x) = ax + b).

Affine Cipher

Affine Cipher is a type of monoalphabetic substitution cipher. It encrypts a text using an affine function (f(x) = ax + b).
Autokey Cipher is a polyalphabetic substitution cipher. It is closely related to the Vigenere cipher, but uses a different method of generating the key.

Autokey Cipher

Autokey Cipher is a polyalphabetic substitution cipher. It is closely related to the Vigenere cipher, but uses a different method of generating the key.
Caesar Cipher, also known as Shift Cipher, or Caesar Shift, is one of the simplest and most widely known encryption techniques. It is a type of substitution cipher in which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabet.

Caesar Cipher

Caesar Cipher, also known as Shift Cipher, or Caesar Shift, is one of the simplest and most widely known encryption techniques. It is a type of substitution cipher in which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabet.