Amortization Calculator

Loan Amount
Interest Rate
Loan Term
Beginning Balance Interest Principal Ending Balance
Beginning Balance Interest Principal Ending Balance

This amortization calculator will estimate and show you how much your monthly payments will be and the breakdown of your payments based on your loan amount, interest rate, and loan term. Additionally, you can view a graph and a pie chart illustrating your loan’s amortization. Calculate your loan payment and amortization schedule for any amortized loan using this amortization calculator.

XIRR is a financial function that calculates the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows that are not necessarily periodic. XIRR Calculator is useful for modeling investments or projects that have irregular cash inflows and outflows over time.

XIRR Calculator

XIRR is a financial function that calculates the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows that are not necessarily periodic. XIRR Calculator is useful for modeling investments or projects that have irregular cash inflows and outflows over time.
Efficient Discount Calculator for Quick Savings Calculations.

Discount Calculator

Efficient Discount Calculator for Quick Savings Calculations.
Credit Card Installment Calculator:Whether the installment is cost-effective becomes clear at a glance.

Credit Card Installment Calculator

Credit Card Installment Calculator:Whether the installment is cost-effective becomes clear at a glance.
Credit Card Payoff Calculator to calculate how long it will take to pay off a balance  applied for on your credit card and how much it will cost. This credit card payoff calculator also recommends good credit cards that could save you money and get you out of debt faster.

Credit Card Payoff Calculator

Credit Card Payoff Calculator to calculate how long it will take to pay off a balance applied for on your credit card and how much it will cost. This credit card payoff calculator also recommends good credit cards that could save you money and get you out of debt faster.