Cartoon Avatar Generator

Cartoon Avatar Generator is a fun and easy-to-use avatar maker that allows you to generate random, custom cartoon avatars, perfect for your email accounts, forums, and social media profiles.

Libraries in Use


Image Compress Free Online Tool is a small tool for compress image size by compression ratio of 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc

Image Compress

Image Compress Free Online Tool is a small tool for compress image size by compression ratio of 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc
Image Segmentation free online tool

Image Segmentation

Image Segmentation free online tool
Image To Sketch online tool could convert an image or a photo to a hand-drawn style sketch image.

Image To Sketch

Image To Sketch online tool could convert an image or a photo to a hand-drawn style sketch image.
Wifi QR Generator could generate a Wifi Card image with your Wifi login details. Tape it to the wall, keep it in your wallet, etc. You could use your mobile phone to scan this QR card to connect to your network.

Wifi QR Generator

Wifi QR Generator could generate a Wifi Card image with your Wifi login details. Tape it to the wall, keep it in your wallet, etc. You could use your mobile phone to scan this QR card to connect to your network.