Link Lock

Secret Link
Hint (Optional)
Confirm Password
Random Initialization Vector
Random Salt
Encrypted Link

Please enter the password to unlock the link.

Hint: {{ options.hint }}

Original Link

Link Lock is an online encrypting and decrypting tool for adding a password to a link or a web page; in other words, for encrypting and decrypting URLs. When a user visits an encrypted URL, they will be prompted to enter a password. If the password is correct, Link Lock redirects them to the hidden website. Otherwise, an error message is displayed. Users can also add hints to help them remember the password.

Each encrypted URL is stored entirely within the link generated by this tool. As a result, users have control over all the data they create with Link Lock. No information is ever stored on a server, and there are no cookies, tracking, or signups.

Link Lock has many uses, for example:

  • Adding a password to shared links
  • Encrypting entire pages (via URL Pages)
  • Serving as a simple CAPTCHA
  • Storing private bookmarks on a shared computer
  • Posting private links on public websites
  • Sharing password-protected torrents and magnet links

Warm Tip:

Once someone decrypts a link, they can share the original URL as much as they want. Only share encrypted links with trusted people.
If you lose the password, it is almost impossible to recover the original link. The strong security guaranteed by encryption can be a blessing or a curse, so be careful!

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