Characters Escape & Unescape

Escape Level
Escape Quote
JSON Compatible
ES6 Compatible
Uppercase Hex

Escapes Special Characters in a string so that they do not cause conflicts. For example, Don't stop me now becomes Don\'t stop me now.

Supports the following escape sequences:

  • \n (Line feed/newline)

  • \r (Carriage return)

  • \t (Horizontal tab)

  • \b (Backspace)

  • \f (Form feed)

  • \xnn (Hex, where n is 0-f)

  • \\ (Backslash)

  • \' (Single quote)

  • \" (Double quote)

  • \unnnn (Unicode character)

  • \u{nnnnnn} (Unicode code point)

Unescapes Characters in a string that have been escaped. For example, Don\'t stop me now becomes Don't stop me now.

Supports the following escape sequences:

  • \n (Line feed/newline)

  • \r (Carriage return)

  • \t (Horizontal tab)

  • \b (Backspace)

  • \f (Form feed)

  • \nnn (Octal, where n is 0-7)

  • \xnn (Hex, where n is 0-f)

  • \\ (Backslash)

  • \' (Single quote)

  • \" (Double quote)

  • \unnnn (Unicode character)

  • \u{nnnnnn} (Unicode code point)


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Base100 Encoder & Decoder Online

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Base100 Encoder & Decoder Online
Base56 Online Encoder & Decoder. Base56 is a variant of Base58 omitting the characters '1' and 'o' to avoid confusion. Its purpose is to make it easy to both type and copy/paste encoded data.

Base56 Encode & Decode

Base56 Online Encoder & Decoder. Base56 is a variant of Base58 omitting the characters '1' and 'o' to avoid confusion. Its purpose is to make it easy to both type and copy/paste encoded data.
JJEncode could encode any JavaScript code using only symbols.


JJEncode could encode any JavaScript code using only symbols.