Geo Coordinate Format Converter

Latitude Longitude
Latitude Longitude
Latitude Longitude
Latitude Longitude
Latitude Longitude
Latitude Longitude

Geo Coordinate Format Converter supports the conversion of latitude and longitude coordinates between Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS) format, Degrees Minutes (DM) format, and Decimal Degrees (DD) format, facilitating their direct use in mapping services like Google Maps.

This batch conversion tool for geo coordinates can convert latitude and longitude from DMS into DD format en masse. For example: 39°55′44″ W → -39.9288888889 (Note: The negative sign is added for west and south directions).

Similarly, it can also perform batch conversions from DD to DMS format. For example: -39.9288888889 → 39°55′44″ W.

Additionally, batch conversions from DD to DM format are supported as well: -39.9288888889 → 39°55.7333′ W.

The formats for geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) mainly include the following types:

  • Decimal Degrees (DD): Both latitude and longitude are expressed as decimal numbers. The range for latitude is -90 to +90, and for longitude, it is -180 to +180. Example: 39.9042, 116.4074.
  • Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS): Latitude and longitude are expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Each degree has 60 minutes, and each minute has 60 seconds. Example: 39°54'15.12"N 116°24'26.64"E.
  • Degrees Minutes (DM): Latitude and longitude are expressed in degrees and minutes, with the minutes having a decimal part for more precision. Example: 39°54.252'N 116°24.444'E.

In practical applications, the Decimal Degrees format is the most commonly used because it is easier for computers to process and store. The Degrees Minutes Seconds format is often found in traditional navigation and aviation fields.

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