Child Blood Type Calculator

Blood Type of Child maybe:
Blood Type of Father
Blood Type of Mother

Do you want to know your unborn baby’s blood type? Child blood type calculator can help you discover it!

Select the mother’s and the father’s blood type and you can find out the probable blood type of your child.

About The Blood Types

In medicine, blood types are generally divided into six blood types: AA, OA, BB, OB, AB, and O. Types AA and OA are collectively referred to as type A, and types BB and OB are also collectively referred to as type B.

The blood type of the child is a new blood type obtained by mixing a part of the father's blood type (A, B or O) and a part of the mother's blood type (A, B or O). This new blood type is the child's blood type, so the child's blood type is the same as related to the blood type of the parents.

Relationship between child blood types and parents blood types

Child Blood TypeMother Blood Type
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