Unicode Characters Escape & Unescape

Encode All Chars
Uppercase Hex

Converts characters to their unicode-escaped notations.

Supports the prefixes:

  • \u

  • %u

  • U+

e.g. σου becomes \u03C3\u03BF\u03C5

Converts unicode-escaped character notation back into raw characters.

Supports the prefixes:

  • \u

  • %u

  • U+

e.g. \u03c3\u03bf\u03c5 becomes σου

TEA (Tiny Encryption Algorithm) is a block cipher notable for its simplicity of description and implementation, typically a few lines of code. TEA Encrypt & Decrypt is a free online tool that for Tiny Encryption Algorithm Encrypt & Decrypt.

TEA Encrypt & Decrypt

TEA (Tiny Encryption Algorithm) is a block cipher notable for its simplicity of description and implementation, typically a few lines of code. TEA Encrypt & Decrypt is a free online tool that for Tiny Encryption Algorithm Encrypt & Decrypt.
XTEA (eXtended TEA) is a block cipher designed to correct weaknesses in TEA. XTEA Encrypt & Decrypt is a free online tool that for eXtended TEA cipher Encrypt & Decrypt.

XTEA Encrypt & Decrypt

XTEA (eXtended TEA) is a block cipher designed to correct weaknesses in TEA. XTEA Encrypt & Decrypt is a free online tool that for eXtended TEA cipher Encrypt & Decrypt.
XXTEA Encrypt & Decrypt is a free online tool that for Corrected Block TEA cipher Encrypt & Decrypt. XXTEA (Corrected Block TEA) is a block cipher designed to correct weaknesses in the original Block TEA.

XXTEA Encrypt & Decrypt

XXTEA Encrypt & Decrypt is a free online tool that for Corrected Block TEA cipher Encrypt & Decrypt. XXTEA (Corrected Block TEA) is a block cipher designed to correct weaknesses in the original Block TEA.
MD5 Encrypt is a process of using the MD5 algorithm to transform a string of any length into a hash. You can use this online tool to perform MD5 Encrypt on any string you want.

MD5 Encrypt

MD5 Encrypt is a process of using the MD5 algorithm to transform a string of any length into a hash. You can use this online tool to perform MD5 Encrypt on any string you want.